Every Step Counts

Hi, everybody. I hope you are all doing well.

As of late, I had been feeling a bit down. After it was recommended that I perhaps try physical therapy to help with my balance, I had my initial appointment. It went pretty well but then when I had my second appointment with a different physical therapist, I ended up leaving in tears. I spoke with the initial therapist about the second experience and let’s just say, the conversation was less than spectacular. I’m not saying that physical therapy is no longer an option for me – in fact, I’m still planning on giving it a try with the initial physical therapist – but I wanted to come up with another plan myself.

I came up with my own plan. As my Cognitive Behavioral Therapist had said a while back, it can be best when we create our own steps to follow. I started taking these steps a couple of days ago and I’m happy to say that I have already seen some progress.

I’m here to tell you that every step forward counts. Every. Single. Step. Please don’t let anyone make you feel like it’s too small. The fact that you are trying to overcome your fears and obstacles matters so much. The fact that you are putting the effort into getting better? That is so important. You are worth the hard work. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise and don’t let anyone make you feel hopeless.

I have seen the positive effects of consistent effort. I have gotten through so much by taking small, consistent steps on a daily basis. I think we sometimes forget how far we’ve come. If you don’t think you’ve made enough progress, then keep trying! You have the ability to overcome your obstacles!

Please don’t give up on yourself. You are amazing!

P.S. There is nothing wrong with asking for assistance with getting through your anxiety and other obstacles. Coming up with our own steps does not mean not asking others for help, it simply means taking manageable steps for yourself that you feel comfortable with, but at the same time, can challenge you.


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